Fantasy Creature Names Generator
The fantasy creature name generator generates 21 random fantasy creature names each time you may use it in many places.
This generator generates fantasy creatures with a very broad concept of fantasy creatures. Almost any newly created creature can be called a fantasy creature with no specific appearance and no specific sound, so the names generated are also very broad and many more It is for you some inspiration. You can create a species, then give the species a name.
If you do not like these, click the Refresh button to get 21 new fantasy creature names.
Enter Your Preferred Letter(s)
1 to 3 letters, like "pe",'ba','ai', etc.
New Fantasy Creature Names
- Blind Leapers
- Crowned Newts
- Two-Headed Pixies
- Imperial Sprites
- Rainbow Werecats
- Ghost Newts
- Covert Daemons
- Little Pisces
- Fire Wisps
- Ash Grendels
- Sunglow Phantoms
- Ashen Leprechauns
- Glorious Myrmidons
- Collared Ghouls
- Whiskered Jackalopes
- Supreme Anubis
- Awoken Banshees
- Red Wyrms
- Sapphire Cockatrice
- Southern Hobgoblins
- Bright Changelings